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Behind the Scenes

6 Hour class

Finding the perfect fabric is sometimes impossible and hand-dyeing fabric is not always the answer. Learn to combine commercial fabrics into an interesting and unique new fabric. We will be working with combining colors and using values to achieve the desired effect. Choosing fabrics and assorted layouts will be discussed.


100 2½” squares. Bring as many different fabrics as you can. Try to bring at least 30 different fabrics in an assortment of light, medium, and dark. Matching colors are not important. All fabrics will be put into a grab pile. (Please do not cut for your friends. We need a wide variety of fabrics.) Look for multicolor, small to large prints. No solids or geometrics (checks, squares, circles etc.) please. Tied-dyed and watercolor type prints are good. I know this one may be tough but very rewarding.
Flannel or fleece to use as work wall.