
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis

    I learned to sew at age 10 and I have had a very close relationship with my sewing machine ever since. At 13 I started needle working, including knitting, cross-stitch, needlepoint and tatting. In 1983 my Godmother gave me a quilt top she had made before her marriage in 1945. My aunt encouraged me to design a quilting pattern that reflected the embroidered top. I was hooked. I knew this was going to be my creative outlet. My first quilts were very traditional. I saw immediately room to experiment and play. Because of my sewing experience, I have always enjoyed beautiful fabrics. It seems only natural that I include these fabrics in my quilts. I now specialize in quilts that incorporate special fabrics such as silk, lame’ and lace.

    Quilting to me is a personal expression. My quilts are now abstract original designs that evoke a personal response in each viewer. Each quilt develops intuitively allowing me the artistic freedom to create. I start with an idea , then allow the quilt to evolve as the texture of each new fabric is added. I produce my quilts by machine using a variety of techniques and fabrics. This sense of freedom in both uses of fabric and construction makes every quilt both a challenge and an adventure. I enjoy creating my quilts and look forward to each new experience.

    Contact Info

    I would be glad to hear from you.

    Please contact me at:

    Address: Milwaukee, WI

    Phone: 414-351-0325
